So, the first thing that I bought when my family and I went out to Tesco is a Scholl Brand-Cracked Heel repair cream. I've to admit it's a great product.
Well, at least it pay off the money I'd spent...Errr, my Abah paid for it actually.
I'd applied it for few days now, and the effect quite instantly. The hideous crack on my heels slowly disappear. (Yes, I'm boosting right now ^_^ ). I decided to share some information that I found on the internet so that you will appreciate your heel more coz believe me, girls with cracked heels look ugly in high heel. Those wise word, my friends, is based on experience and personal opinion.
Let's pour some times to read some boring but important stuff about cracked heels.
Usually, when you have cracked heels, people often said "Oh, goshhh...u get cracked heels bcoz u didn't apply moisturizer every night b4 sleep" or "oh,dear...its because u stand all day long n your feet can't stand the pressure". BUT, guys, actually cracked heel is the sign to lack of attention to foot care. Although maybe your friends score some point there. Anyways, cracked heel also known as heel fissures. Fissures are regular linear cut wounds and mostly affect the surface level which comprises of the epidermis. Sometimes it may get deep into the dermis and became painful. (At this point I became completely freak out). Excessive pressure on the feet pads make the feet want to expand sideways (I'm imagining a Donald Duck's feet at this line, hehehe) and as the skin surrounding the sides of the feet are dry they crack and thus......causing cracked heels.
-Tadaaaa, a simple and short information specially for you all-
Okay let's continue.
Cracked heels usually are not harmful except when the cuts became too deep and causing bleeding that leads to infections. There are few signs and symptoms that our feet show when they are trying to call for our attention and cares. The symptoms are :
- Red or Flaky Patches
- Peeling and Cracked Skin
This is the second symptom that generally follows the first symptom. Peeling and cracked skin is a definite sign of dry cracked heels and immediate measures must be taken to remedy the condition.
- Itchy Skin
- Bleeding and Discharge from Cracks
There goes all the general information that we need. Sorry if it gets bored but still thanks for reading to the last words. ^_^
And just to be clear, I only have the first symptom. (Thank God...).
Therefore, I promised myself to buy a Bunny Slippers to wear inside my room and apply moisturizer all the times.
Dear feet, I swear I won't neglect you anymore.
For further reading, I suggest you to follow this link:
This is the Scholl-Cracked Heel repair cream |
This is something made out of clay that my Abah bought because the salesman said it helps to remove dead skin. Just rub it to the heels n see the magic kick in. |