Last night while I was busy scrolling down the fb home page, I saw many posts on irma hasmie's marriage I opened one of the youtube link. The link is her pre-wedding video that was recorded at upm. Hehe, just a couple of month ago I'd been to that exact same spot for festik's photoshoot. But I'm not gonna brag about it =)... actually when I watched her video, I was touched by how they met. She was infront the Kaabah when sudenlly she heard a woman called her name so she looks behind and saw him (her husband now ^^)standing beside a middle age woman, his mother. They both smile politely and lowered their gaze...(at dis point, I was like 'awwwww,sooooo sweeeeetttt'....) Then both of the family start to become close. After they come back to Malaysia, he send a rombongan merisik to her house but then it become their engagement day. (I was smiling and blushing like crazy..! ) Their story was simple yet it's so meaningful and most importantly their heart was united at holy land with His blessing. Here is the pre-wedding video that I talked sure to watch it until end coz u'll be squirming with envy and jelous...hahaha,sincerely wishing them the best marriage life.
this is a couples of their wedding pictures that i downloaded from facebook...
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